The mind is like an orchestra It plays the tune of life The soothing tones of ecstasy The angry chords of strife And it has five conductors That choose which song we play The conductors are our senses They guide us every day Are not these ships of knowledge That sail upon our sea Bringing truth and clarity To such as you and me? The body is the chariot That moves the mind around As the mind gains in its knowledge It boasts of what it's found Life is just a circle An ever turning wheel And as we ride upon its path We learn to think and feel Our minds reach out to other minds Sometimes a fleeting touch Sometimes it means so little Sometimes it means so much The wheel turns ever onward The years go drifting by And while most minds are earthbound The dreamers reach the sky Too soon it turns full circle And at our setting sun We take our place in nature's bed Our life on earth is done Some minds will conquer greatness Their fame will span the earth But every mind has value And every life has worth The sum of life is knowing The depth of love you felt And how you played the cards of life The cards that you were dealt We greet this world from darkness The darkness of the womb And we'll return to darkness The darkness of the tomb But while we dwell in sunlight Let's do what ere we can To make this world a better place And help our fellow man K.D. Abbott © 2007 |
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