A Collection of Scattered Poems

Dog Tales

Dog Tails


My neighbour has a little dog
About eight inches high
I'm sure that if I sneezed on it
The little mutt would die

He's such a little fellow
I've nick-named him 'half-pint'
But this dog has such an ego
He imagines he's a giant

I'll admit he's such a 'cutie'
But he loses all his charm.
'Cause when I stoop to pat him
He tries to take my arm

It's not that he can hurt me
In fact, he does no harm at all
Although he clamps on like a tiger
His teeth are much too small

But his teeth have points like needles
And the thing that really bugs
Is when people see the marks he leaves
They'll think I'm 'shooting' drugs

And there's a dog that l've named 'Rainbow'
He lives just down the street
He's the friendliest little fellow
That you could hope to meet

He has so many colours
There can't be many more
His coat looks like it's fashioned
From an unswept salon floor

He has black and red and fawn and white
Some blue and golden brown
I'm sure his mum was visited
By every dog in town

And then there's dear old 'Frothy'
He's always full of cheer
He pants so much with happiness
He's froth from nose to ear

It's a very nervous moment
When you hear his bounding thuds
You know that very shortly
You'll be drenched with frothy suds

A friend of mine had problems
With rude salesmen at his door
It seemed as he got rid of one
There'd be a dozen more

He took a photo of his Doberman
And placed it on his gate
He thought that he'd been clever
He boasted "That will stop them, mate!"

But the salesmen kept on coming
It didn't frighten them a bit
If he didn't stop them very soon
I felt sure he'd have a fit

I made a cruel suggestion
I'll admit it wasn't nice
But he was in agreement
And accepted my advice

Now, salesmen never bother him
He has a carefree life
He replaced the Doberman's picture
With a picture of his wife

She's the fiercest woman living
She has eyes that stare and dart
And that scowl that's plastered on her face
Strikes terror in the heart

The self-confidence in a salesman
Would vanish without trace
If when the door was opened
He was confronted with that face

There's a dog that bites our postmen
He tries to eat them all alive
He's already gobbled four of them
Now he's seeking number five

He's owned by an old lady
He's the largest she could get
And she claims that he is docile
He's her darling little pet

This dog is very savage
And I told her so one day
The bugger tried to eat me
As she passed along my way

She insists he's being friendly
That it's the way he says "Hello".
I tried to show her I was bleeding
But She didn't want to know

"Just pat him once." she urged me
"Just pat him once, I beg"
But before she'd finished speaking
He'd taken half my leg.

She said "When puppy wags his tail
It pleasures and delights."
I told her "That end might be friendly
But it's the other end that bites."

By now he'd finished with my leg
And it filled me with alarm
Because as I rubbed my bleeding leg
He'd started on my arm

She just stood there idly watching
As I began to squeal and cuss
But she admonished me with venom
"Stop making such a fuss!"

"My dog is not vindictive
When he chews upon your hand
He doesn't realise he's hurting you
He doesn't understand."

Her attitude confused me
It left me quite bereft
For the way her dog was eating me
I'd have just a few bits left

Then my temper really bubbled
So I yelled out loud and clear
"Can't you see your dog is killing me
Make him let go of my ear!"

"If you don't drag this beast off me
It's a day that you'll regret
I have a place in mind for your dog
But I haven't dug it yet!"

She stomped off flushed with anger
With her nose stuck in the air
She never speaks to me these days
Does she think I really care?

That dog enjoyed his picnic
And I don't exaggerate
Great hunks of me went missing
At a very rapid rate

And though her dog near killed me
And put survival to the test
Of all the creatures in this world
It's dogs that I love best

And whether fat or skinny
Whether huge or very small
Whether pure of breed or mixture
I'll admit I love them all

It wont matter if you're rich or poor
You're their hero to the end
They give unending love and loyalty
For dog is man's best friend

And when my life is ended
And my years have had their share
I know Heaven will not please me
If they don't have dogs up there

K.D. Abbott © 2008

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