I've just returned from visiting A town far in the west And of all the towns I've visited This has to be the best I was strolling through a valley And just around a bend In a setting from a fairy tale Was this town 'Rainbow's End' Regardless of your station You are greeted with a smile Then you're taken to a tailor And your fitted out in style And the townsfolk are so friendly That you'll loudly hear them grieve If they hear you even murmur That some day you'll have to leave They insist you have a present And you have to make a choice So to prove I wasn't greedy I picked a white Rolls Royce And you have no need for petrol For all of Rainbow's cars Are tuned to run exclusively On excess chocolate bars And though money's never needed Because everything is free New notes are shed continuously From every money tree The shops are crammed with items That you need not do without For whatever you are lacking You just take ... then walk right out Some people still smoke cigarettes They do it for a lark You can see them puffing on them As they're sitting in the park But these cigarettes are harmless They're the healthiest you've seen For they're free of every chemical And free of nicotine They're free of any odour And you might think that I joke But these things have got such purity They're even free of smoke On the banks of perfumed waters You can sit and idly dream Or watch the ducks and swans Hold their regattas up the stream The birds are all so pretty And as clever as can be They sing your favourite 'pop' songs From every woodland tree The dairy cows are friendly And they're generous to the core They place their milk in clean containers Then deliver to your door The koala and the platypus Are a special kind of breed They constantly run errands To bring every thing you need And fishing is a pleasure You never have to wait The fish all climb out on the bank And beg you for the bait The other type of fishing Is mainly done by girls They cast their hooks into the water And pull out strings of pearls And in this land of magic The wonder never stops The rivers all flow backward 'Til they reach the mountain tops The mountain peaks near reach the sky And the rivers cease to run For every drop of water Is sucked up by the sun Then the clouds float to the valley And they give forth with their rain So before the river empties It's replenished once again Because the river's always flowing There is no stagnant zone The water's always pure and clear Pollution is unknown The lemon trees grow everywhere And apart from giving shade As the rain seeps through the branches It produces lemonade And beer, and wine, and whisky Are all so easily found You just pull up any bucket From the wells sunk in the ground Not a person knows of hunger For in this promised land Steaks and sausages are growing On meat vines close at hand Vegetarians are in rapture For growing pure and clean And free for just the gathering Is every vegetable you've seen And the gardens needs no tending They're kept neat in every way Because the kangaroos and rabbits Do the weeding every day The mice feast on the Swiss cheese That grows near river flats And the mice grow big and healthy So they're always chasing cats And though you won't believe it I can tell you that it's true The sheep not only shear themselves They do the knitting too The wild brumbies run their races Without jockeys or restraint And they all take turns in winning Which I thought was rather quaint And for those who care to gamble You'll receive the best 'odds' yet The 'bookies' give you bars of gold With which to place your bet And the barber's shop has magic For it has a special chair Where the bald can sit in comfort And grow new crops of hair And new women to this township Get a treat they rave about After just one facial massage All their wrinkles just fall out They have a party every evening Where you dance beneath the stars And enjoy the endless seafoods Topped with luscious caviars You can eat until you're bursting Then walk through a 'Rainbow Gate' And as you're passing through it You shed all excess weight And there's no such thing as ageing For as a maiden plays her fife You just sip the sparkling water From the eternal well of life All the women are so pretty And as loving as can be And although I'm sure not handsome At least six fought over me And as the winner came toward me I felt as frisky as a pup But before I even kissed her My alarm clock woke me up K.D. Abbott © 2008 |
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