A Collection of Scattered Poems

A Bad Day in the City

A Bad Day In The City


It was a sweltering kind of friday
On a busy city street
I stopped to dab my sweated brow
And conceded I was beat

I surrendered to temptation
There was nothing I could do
So I dashed into the nearest pub
To sink a beer or two

And as my luck would have it
As I breasted to the bar
A stranger stood beside me
Idly chewing his cigar

I could see his eyes were misty
His face was gaunt and pale
And he heaved a sigh of sadness
Each time he sipped his ale

Well, I couldn't stand there watching
I hate to see a grown man brood
So I struck up conversation
To try to ease his mood

Then he laid his thoughts upon me
In a voice so soft and meek
"I've been thinking of my father;
The poor soul died this week"

"And I've just been contemplating
That the words he spoke were true."
"If you can spare me just a moment
I'd like to share his words with you."

"Each night when I was just a child
He'd take me on his knee.
And he'd tell me of the wondrous gift
This life on earth can be."

"He would tell me in his loving voice
He had some golden rules.
And I'm sure that you'll agree with me
His words were wisdom's jewels."

"Don't store your bitter memories
Keep the ones that's sweet and bright.
Savour every joyous moment;
Push the others out of sight."

"Don't let your time be crowded
Always keep some breathing space.
Don't walk in moods of darkness;
Keep the sunshine on your face."

"Don't dwell on all the heartaches
Think of all the joy you've had.
Keep a smile for all who greet you
And you'll find life's not so bad."

"Don't try to be the many things
You just weren't meant to be.
Do your best with what God gave you
And your spirit will be free."

"Don't harbour thoughts of vengeance
They bring coldness to the heart.
Leave behind the one's who hurt you
And make a fresh new start."

"You should pause in bed each morning
Before you start your day
And be thankful for the many joys
That life has brought your way."

"When troubles fall upon you
You will always see them through
If you think of all the people
Who are much worse off than you."

"Don't be blind to other's burdens
Lend assistance when you can.
For a heart is full of pleasure
When it helps a fellow man."

Then his hands began to tremble
And he paused to catch his breath
I could see his heart was heavy
As he grieved his father's death.

Well, I stood there feeling useless
And though I'm not so very bright
I tried to find some words of comfort
That would ease the poor man's plight

So I started quoting words of hope
I'd heard a preacher say
'That his father was in heaven
And they'd meet again some day'

That his father's words would keep him
On the path we all should tread
And while the words lived on within him
His father wasn't dead

And I told him that his father's words
Would guide him all his life
They were words we all should live by
And they'd keep him free of strife.

Well, I'd hoped my words would help him
But they brought him further dread
For his face became more gloomy
And then he sadly said:

"They bury him tomorrow
And I don't even have a suit.
I'd like to buy a new one
But I just don't have the loot."

Well, I emptied out my wallet
And pressed it in his hand
When I told him he could buy his suit
It made me feel real grand

He thanked me for my kindness
"He'd repay me later on."
Then he quickly turned and walked away
In an instant he was gone.

Then a fellow standing next to me
Spoke words that gave me pain.
"So, Bob told you his story;
Well, you won't see him again."

"He takes in all the suckers;
It never seems to fail.
He's only on parole this week;
Next week he's back in jail."

K.D. Abbott © 2007

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