A Collection of Scattered Poems

Snowy Mountain Settlers

The Snowy Mountain Settlers

Where craggy mountain ranges
Clasp the snow gums to their breast
Where the lonely call of dingos
Echo from the mountain crest

Where the kangaroo and wombat
And the rugged brumby roam
The snowy mountain settlers
Made their home

In a land so unforgiving
One would doubt their wish to stay
But they fought the scrub and flintstone
With a small gain every day

With just horses and a hand plough
And endless sweat and toil
They cleared the stumps and undergrowth
And turned the virgin soil

They were men from many nations
Who had suffered grief and strife
And they chose the land 'down under'
To forge a different life

A hardy band of settlers
With their women at their side
They built their humble homesteads
And looked on them with pride

You will never find another
No matter where you roam
That has that welcome feeling
Of a humble settlers home

But times have changed so quickly
And now the city 'push'
Is skiing down a mountain side
That once was virgin bush

Their thoughts are not of settlers
As they sip their drinks in bars
Or speed toward the chalets
In their fancy modern cars

They have no time for history
For lust is in their heart
They hope to win the favours
Of some flash, pretentious tart

But the memory of the pioneers
lives on in those who know
And we bless the men whose bodies
Now lay buried 'neath the snow

They toiled from early sunrise
Until the sun had set
A special breed of 'Aussie'
We haven't beat them yet

K.D. Abbott © 2007

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