A Collection of Scattered Poems


Personal Page

Forgive me for having the impudence to include a personal pages on this site.
These are just a few of the numerous poems I have written at various times
while thinking about people who have enriched my life.

This verse was written at Christmas some time ago for a young
English lady.
Donna, her guide dog Griff, and her chinchillas Banjo and Lawson are
very much a part of our life. My family exchanges emails with her every day.

She has a computer program named "Jaws" that is used to read my poetry
to her but I now send her a recorded MP3 each time I write a new poem.
We have grown to love her so much that we think of her as a genuine and
much cherished member of our family.

Donna's guide dog Griff


Far across the foaming waters
From a land the other side
Sweet Donna opened up our hearts
And gently crept inside

With her gift of sensitivity
And an insight that's so rare
She creates a world of sunshine
Full of kindness, love and care

We admire her wondrous talent
for her gift sets her apart
She can see this world more clearly
For she views it with her heart

And while we read her letters
Though the miles are far and wide
We can feel her presence with us
She is sitting at our side

Christmas time is even brighter
Because to add to all the cheer
We have Donna, Griff and Lawson
And Banjo will be here

They'll be here for Christmas morning
And for Christmas dinner too
They're a special part within our heart
In everything we do

They'll be standing here beside us
Around our Christmas tree
They'll be in our mind each moment
To increase our Christmas glee

Many miles may separate us
And keep us far apart
But we think of you as 'family'
So you'll be here in our heart

K.D. Abbott © 2008

You are invited to make copies of any poem on this site
for your personal and private use providing the details of
copyright are included.
The poems are not to be used for commercial purposes or
displayed on any website.

All poems and short stories on this site are protected and
Copyrighted to K. D Abbott 2008. © All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2024 Just Verse. K. D. Abbott.
All rights reserved on poems and short stories.

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