A Collection of Scattered Poems




Bushfires sweep the countryside
With lashing tongues of flame
In each Australian Summer
It has always been the same

Scientists inform us
That when the fire appears
History is repeated
It's been thus millions of years

Numerous fires are lit by lightning
They flare and spread so quick
But some are lit by fire-bugs
With cruel minds that are sick

Both humans and the wildlife
Will feel the ultimate torment
Of the terrible inferno
That is man or heaven sent

When the flames have been defeated
It is then we learn the cost
Of the fire's scourge of affliction
Where life and homes are lost

But both nature and the human heart
Have a spirit of renown
And there will be regeneration
In the bushland and the town

Though the memory of the horror
Will perpetually remain
The townships and the bushland
Will rise up once again

The people in the country
Will overcome their strife
And with sheer determination
Will again rebuild their life

And on the fringe of country townships
Where the fires were most severe
Peaceful country homesteads
Will gradually reappear

Ugly scars on blackened trees
Present an eerie scene
And a carpet thick with powdered ash
Marks where the fires have been

It is comforting to realise
This disturbing scene won't last
Time will make this ugliness
A memory of the past

The bushland's beauty is denuded
But in time, with falling rain
The Wonder that is nature
Will heal her wounds again

To protect plants from extinction
Many problems have been solved
Nature challenges the wrath of fire
With defence she has evolved

Mother Nature's wisdom
Is unique and so profound
She stores a host of precious seeds
Safely underground

The Banksia and Wattle seeds
Thrive after fires pass through
Some Eucalypts produce new leaves
Within a month or two

Some plants possess reserve shoots
That are shielded from the heat
And some plant seeds are fireproof
The flora won't concede defeat

Many animals flee safely
Before the flames arrive
While other slower wildlife
Seek shelter to survive

The echidnas and the wombats
Share burrows in the ground
And in these sheltered havens
Even reptiles can be found

Insects seek preservation
In the shelter of thick barks
And some are spared untimely death
From searing flames and sparks

Possums have their own plan
They move from tree to tree
If the fire is not a 'crown fire'
They hide in the canopy

A sight unpleasant to the eye
For everywhere you gaze
A dark scar of destruction
Records the fire's horrific blaze

But with the passing of the seasons
Time will change this bushland scene
Wildflower will bloom happily
Midst grasses cool and green

Animals will frolic
In a tranquil forest glade
While kangaroos laze peacefully
'Neath a Gum tree's cooling shade

And angelic songs of happy birds
Will echo from each tree
As nature's home regains its beauty
And its sweet serenity.

K.D. Abbott © 2009

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