A Collection of Scattered Poems

Jackson's Hill

Jackson's Hill


Every town should have a special place
Where memories never chill
And in our town that special place
Is known as Jackson's hill

I don't know how it got it's name
It seems nobody did
But that's the name it's always had
Since I was just a kid

It's located in a forest
That is just outside of town
It's reserved for mother nature
To display her floral gown

The wildlife is so varied
And they play without a care
In this peaceful slice of heaven
With it’s atmosphere so rare

The birdlife is prolific
And their songs are sweet and clear
They live in deep contentment
For they're protected here

From my earliest recollection
That hill was part of me
And if my parents sought me
They knew where I would be

This great hill has a fire trail
That all the kids knew well
We'd race down in our billycarts
Like lunatics from hell

We'd drag our homemade speed machines
Right to the very top
And until we reached the bottom
There was no way we could stop

Sometimes we'd hit a rough spot
And go into a spin
I remember losing two front teeth
And quite a lot of skin

I met my very first love
With an impact that could kill
I clipped her with my billycart
Halfway down Jackson's hill

'Though I was only nine years old
And she was only eight
I felt that very instant
That I'd found my lifelong mate

Her knee was lacerated
And her words were not too kind
She used swear words I'd never heard
The best ones she could find

She finally forgave me
And we shared some happy days
But alas, our love was not to be
We went our separate ways

Then in my later teen years
I felt that mating thrill
And I did some serious courting
On the slopes of Jackson's hill

And in my early manhood
My own family was begun
And I introduced 'old Jackson'
To my daughter and my son

And as I watched them laugh and play
History turned it's page
And I relived my childhood
From a distant time and age

Though now I'm in my later years
You'll often find me still
Wandering with the wildlife
That live on Jackson's hill

It was here I learned of nature
And watched the seasons change
The years have flown so swiftly
Sometimes it feels so strange

And when my heart was heavy
And I had lost my way
I'd wander up to Jackson's hill
And here I'd kneel and pray

This hill has such a magic
All emotions it can span
And I've shared that magic constantly
From childhood through to man

I can scan the slopes and plainly see
The good times of the past
Those memories are so fresh and clear
I know they'll always last

I see again the many friends
I knew in yesteryear
Though most of them have vanished
I still can find them here

I can sit in contemplation
And let my thoughts run free
I have loved this hill a lifetime
So this hill belongs to me

And when my time is over
And my life has had its fill
I pray they'll spread my ashes
Up here on Jackson's hill

K.D. Abbott © 2008

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