The caressing kiss of twilight Cools the sweltering heat The wildflower smiles it's pleasure As the sun is in retreat The gentle hand of nature Spreads the evening shade And in this sleepy valley The sounds of peace are made For very soon the air will ring With sweet nocturnal sounds Proclaiming to this valley That happiness abounds A calmness settles over me And every place I scan Creates the false illusion It has been untouched by man Mossy fingers grasp the ledge That hovers overhead And wonderment excites me With every step I tread A far off hooting night owl sings his melody alone And a choir of croaking bullfrogs Have a music of their own Possums softly chatter With voices that delight As their world awaits with eagerness The fast approaching night Crickets vie for honours As they warble happy songs With haunting reinforcement That here true peace belongs A wombat and a kangaroo Drink from a silver stream The sights and sounds that greet me Is a nature lover's dream The heart can feel no anger In a setting of such bliss The Bible's fabled Eden Must have looked a lot like this The moon now has the splendour Of a shimmering gold balloon And it's beauty is applauded By the bush stone-curlews tune The bush stone-curlew's wailing Is unique in many ways And his song invaded sleepy camps Back in the 'droving days' But the species is endangered There's doubt that they'll survive So I'm thrilled to hear the eerie song Of one that's still alive The Eucalyptus tree and wattle Breathe their fragrance on the air I'm bathed in scents of magic And there's music everywhere Small pebbles hug the river bank And dance beneath my feet Making sounds like rhythmic castanets A music crisp and sweet Nature's birds and animals Play a symphony so rare That it floats up to the heavens Like an offering of prayer Their angelic voice of innocence Emanates from shrub and tree And this sweet nocturnal rhapsody Captivates the heart in me All thought is just of happiness The mind has been seduced By the feeling of contentment Mother Nature has induced Though I feel I am intruding Mother Nature knows full well I have no power to leave her side She has me in her spell These moments of serenity I spend as nature's guest Are moments that I cherish They're the moments I love best If man would drink in nature's gifts Much turmoil would then cease For in a setting such as this One thinks of only peace As the moonbeams filter through the trees This world is at it's best For the mind, the heart and spirit Are blessed with perfect rest And a falling star reminds me We've just one life to live So I'll spend each day receiving All that nature has to give K.D. Abbott © 2008 |
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Copyrighted to K. D Abbott 2008. © All rights reserved.