A Collection of Scattered Poems

A Hooker Comes to Town


She'd came from down the city
And she didn't seem to fit
Some said she'd been a 'hooker'
And she'd slept around a bit

Her hair was multi-coloured
Her face was splashed with paint
The townfolk formed their verdict
"A lady; she sure aint!"

She drove a battered sports car
And each time she came to town
The ladies eyed her coldly
And wore their darkest frown

Her clothes were tightly fitting
And they showed a lot of flesh
And her stockings -- Oh, those stockings
They were silky black -- and mesh!

She bought old man Winkle's farm
(He's dead and buried now.)
She already owned a poodle
So she bought a horse and cow

And the townfolk roared with laughter
You could hear them fairly bleat
When they spotted chintzy ribbons
On both horse and cow's front feet

But their humour turned to anger
They were in a fearful state
When they saw she'd fixed an angel
To her sagging farmhouse gate

Some said she delved in 'darkness'
A real life modern witch
When the mayor got back from Sydney
He'd fix the bloody bitch

Well, the mayor came back from Sydney
And they plied him with their bile
But as he listened to their mutterings
He simply wore a smile

"She's not a fallen woman
And you shouldn't put her down
I'll bet she's lived a purer life
Than most folk in our town."

"Her husband will be joining her
And then your fears will fade.
And I'm sure that she'll forgive you
And the error that you've made."

"Each time they have to move their home
She beats him into town
And just for those few precious weeks
She lets her hair hang down."

"It's her way of shaking off the stress;
Those clothes and all that paint.
But you'll find that she is pure of heart;
A real life living saint."

"She's not a flighty woman
And she's not a 'parlour queen'
It's her harmless way of coping
With all the strife she's seen."

"She may look cheap and slinky now
But further down the track
You'll see that she's a lady
And she's mostly dressed in black."

"The real life that this woman lives
Is not the life you see
She devotes her life to those in need
She lives for charity."

"This woman has a heart of gold
I've known her all my life
She's a special kind of lady
And she's our new preacher's wife."

And since they've got to know her
The townfolk all agree
When you judge a person by their dress
How wrong your thoughts can be

K.D. Abbott © 2007

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