A Collection of Scattered Poems

The Cat

The Cat

For Jean

I glide along with a royal grace
I strike fear in the mouse and rat
I embody everything regal
But humans just call me a cat

My poise and glamour is obvious
But of ego their isn't a trace
For my breed has pushed its pride aside
To adopt the human race

The other animal living here
Has the intelligence of a log
But I guess that's all you could really expect
The poor thing's only a dog

It doesn't have my refinement
That's so very plain to see
And it lacks in every imaginable way
The perfection that is me

The way that dog gulps down its meals
It borders upon the obscene
But when I dine, its with reserve
And the dignity of a queen

When the dog wants a treat from our mistress
The poor mutt sits up and begs
But I can get almost anything
By purring and brushing her legs

If the day is getting boring
I never fall into a rut
I simply knock over a vase or two
And laugh when its blamed on the mutt

If I want an extra serving of milk
I've a trick that will not fail
I quickly finish the milk I have
Then claw at the stupid dog's tail

The dog gives out with a yelp and a snarl
Then chases me through the house
I pretend that I have to be rescued
By the husband and his spouse

My mistress tries to console me
With a voice that is soft as silk
She thinks that my nerves must be shattered
So I get a warm saucer of milk

I have a dashing new boyfriend
But the humans just call him 'Tom'
That's a horrible name to give a cat
I wonder where that came from?

Each time I hear him called that name
I meow my angry rebuke
He deserves a title that oozes class
So I've named him Marmaduke

His singing is pure and melodic
With a range unconstrained and sweet
And he serenades me every night
With a solo that can't be beat

Though his voice would thrill any royal court
And enchant the queens and kings
My neighbours sometimes abuse him
But, jealousy does strange things

I've a new toy mouse to play with
And I hope that this one will last
I don't bother chasing the real ones
The buggers can run too fast

In this home its so very obvious
That I play the leading role
And the dog often shows his resentment
By wetting my scratching pole

My humans feed and protect me
I have all that a happy cat craves
The way that they tend to my slightest wish
I suppose you could call them my slaves

But, I guess its only natural
For even my humans can see
The boring old world they would live in
Without the wonder of me

K.D. Abbott © 2007

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