In a wondrous setting of beauty rare Where starlight gleams in the crisp night air And God smiles down on this chosen land So lovingly fashioned by natures hand. This land of freedom, this land of worth The pride of the heavens and jewel of the earth England forever and ere' will be The home of the glorious, brave and free. Where crystal streams glide gracefully by Through woodland settings, neath clear blue sky And birds of song fill the air above With music composed of peace and love. Where contentment reigns in the heart of men In sweet green meadows or shady glen And enchantment spreads like a golden band O'er this Englishman's magic wonderland. Where history plays on in endless stage Tradition lives on from another age A land of the future, a land of the past Its own reassurance that this land will last. And though we may travel the countries of earth The English heart dwells in the land of its birth It cannot be taken away from it's home No matter how far or how long we may roam Only here in this land that nature loves best Can an Englishman's heart be forever at rest. K.D. Abbott © 2012 NOTES: This poem is twenty years old, but we decided to put it up because we've had nothing new for so long. With special thanks to my daughter Kerry, my wife Madelene and my son Kenny. For their continued interest in my site. |
NOTE: You are invited to make copies of any poem on this site for your personal and private use providing the details of copyright are included. The poems are not to be used for commercial purposes or displayed on any website. |
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Copyrighted to K. D Abbott 2012. © All rights reserved.